The Keyboard

Having removed the original keyboard, which has a rather short cable to be used externally, it's pretty handy to fit a replacement. There are ways to connect a socket for any external Amiga keyboard directly to the motherboard, but these require some very fiddly solder work.

I decided to play it safe and fit a keyboard interface, which has the added advantage of allowing you to use PC keyboards with your Amiga. The device itself is very simple - little more than a chip on a board with an edge connector (which fits into the original keyboard ribbon cable connector) and a cable to a DIN connector into which your keyboard connects.

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The PC-Key 1200 keyboard adaptor.

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The adaptor fitted to the motherboard.

Of course, it's always nice to have a proper Amiga keyboard for your system. As my case is black, I really ought to hook up a CDTV or CD32 keyboard!

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