Finishing Touches

Drive Facias

If you're using new parts, the chances are you'll be able to find floppy and CD-ROM drive facias which match the colour of your case. If you're using old parts, or have some other co-ordination or colouration issues, you can always paint your facias a more suitable colour.

To make it hard for myself, I picked a black case with not only a metallic tint, but also a brushed metal finish. To start with, I brushed on a reasonably thick coat of black enammel model paint with a touch of silver mixed in. I then sanded this back with medium grit sand paper to get a bit of a brushed texture. The result was a little too light, so over this I sprayed a few thin coats of gloss black before applying the final coats of matt laquer.


Sadly enough, if your project is successful so for, you won't be able to tell your Amiga from a bog standard PC clone! To set this straight, a couple of stickers may be in order. There are a few places on the web which sell stickers, but if you have a decent printer you can run off some of your own. You may want to cover them with a bit of self-adhesive plastic to make them more durable, or thicken them up with a bit of card or whatever. If you're careful, it's also possible to pry out the original A1200 badge from the top-left of the original case, which you may want to stick on either the case or the keyboard.

Image: see caption

The original A1200 sticker, plus a sticker I printed out myself.

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